Thread: Question about list (struct {..struct *next}

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Post Question about list (struct {..struct *next}

    Hi all, i hope you can help me understand why this acts like this, im putting here just one function but if you want to see the full file is here (is a txt just rename it to .c). first of all im working with turbo c++ 3 (i know is old but i cant afford a new compiler) and windows xp pro, wel, the problem is that i have a structure like this
    struct node{
    int info;
    struct node *next;
    typedef struct node *nodoaptr;
    //decalre this inside the main
    nodoaptr p=NULL;
    i try to make a list using malloc, everything works fine but i have a question (silly if you want), as you see the nodoaptr type is a pointer, so i supose it can be modified enywhere, but it doesnt, here is the original function to create a node (basic version)

    void insnodo(nodoaptr *plist,int x)
    nodoaptr q,w;
    //creat node using malloc
    printf("Cant create new node");

    as you can see i use a ** in the funcion (nodoaptr is apointer and i use nodoaptr *list) and then i only use the reference for the value of list, and works great, but if i change the prototype to void (nodoaptr list,int x) and use list instead of *list inside the function everytime the function ends the value of list is never changed, i can understand this if we were talking about regular variables but nodoaptr is a pointer itself, so why it doesnt change the value?, thanks so much in advanced.

    Juan Zamudio

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    same message but with [code] sorry

    it wat the first time i use the [code] so i think the [ wast just an example because html tags are like this <tag> so here is the same message but with the right tags

    Hi all, i hope you can help me understand why this acts like this, im putting here just one function but if you want to see the full file is here (is a txt just rename it to .c). first of all im working with turbo c++ 3 (i know is old but i cant afford a new compiler) and windows xp pro, wel, the problem is that i have a structure like this
    struct node{
       int info;
       struct node *next;
    typedef struct node *nodoaptr;
    //decalre this inside the main
      nodoaptr p=NULL;
    I try to make a list using malloc, everything works fine but i have a question (silly if you want), as you see the nodoaptr type is a pointer, so i supose it can be modified enywhere, but it doesnt, here is the original function to create a node (basic version)

    void insnodo(nodoaptr *plist,int x)
        nodoaptr q,w;
        //creat node using malloc
            printf("Cant create new node");
    as you can see i use a ** in the funcion (nodoaptr is apointer and i use nodoaptr *list) and then i only use the reference for the value of list, and works great, but if i change the prototype to void (nodoaptr list,int x) and use list instead of *list inside the function everytime the function ends the value of list is never changed, i can understand this if we were talking about regular variables but nodoaptr is a pointer itself, so why it doesnt change the value?, thanks so much in advanced.

    Juan Zamudio

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